Monday, June 29, 2015

Le Homecoming Talk

Good morning, brothers and sisters. I just recently returned from full-time service in the Adriatic South Mission a few days ago. As I talk about my mission there, I hope to be able to help you in the congregation grow closer to Christ as I know the Lord helped me do with the people there. It has been said that it is impossible for our faith in Christ not to increase as we continue to learn more about Him. His hand led and guided me throughout my mission and it is impossible to not speak of Him as I speak of the mission He put me on. I hope that my testimony and the stories I share will be evidence enough that He lives, that He loves us, that He is our Savior, brother and friend.
The Adriatic South Mission consists of three countries: Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo. I was called to serve in Macedonia, located in Eastern Europe just north of Greece for those of you who don't know (which included myself before I was called). The whole time I spent in the capital city, Skopje. The country has only been open to missionary work for about four years, so I was very surprised any time I talked to someone there who had actually heard of the church before. Some older people there still remember communism. Many are poor and struggle to find work. It is not uncommon for a business to simply stop paying an employee until they notice and then leave, and many are laid off. Protests against the government are frequent. The lifestyle is very simple. The majority are native Macedonians, but there are Albanian and Roma minorities who face discrimination from the people in general and also from the government. Walking around on the street, there are many beggars and street vendors, some of which are children; there are cobblestone streets in part of the city, and horse-drawn carts made of wood. That being said, many people still can afford to dress nice and have an iPhone. The language is Macedonian, but most know at least some English. Serving in this globally insignificant country, it's not hard to imagine why the last time I'd heard of Macedonia was in the New Testament, but God did not forget this place and His children there who He loves dearly. I felt privileged and extremely blessed to be one of the first missionaries called there. Countless Macedonians love God too. The main religions are Orthodox and Islam. In most parts of the city you can hear the call to prayer coming from mosques five times a day. On the bus whenever we passed a church, passengers would cross themselves three times and sometimes kiss their fingers at the end. Once or twice someone crossed themselves after reading my nametag. Initially they usually thought I was a nun, a Jehovah's Witness, or just remained confused until I explained further.
There was no Macedonian teacher at the Missionary Training Center, so while there I learned Bulgarian and then had to make the switch to Macedonian once I arrived in-field. My teachers at the MTC assured me that anyone who spoke Macedonian would understand Bulgarian. One of my first investigators was Benjamin, an Albanian Muslim who wanted to study law. The lessons with him were slow and pain-stakingly done, because my mix of Bulgarian-Macedonian was hard for me to communicate in, and my companion had only been in the country for two months more than me and didn't know the language either. Macedonian was not Benjamin's mother tongue. Once in a while I didn't understand a question or comment he made, and would just nod and continue on with my next point. Several times I wouldn't know the Macedonian word for something but would offer the Bulgarian word. He would say, "I don't speak Bulgarian." He ended up getting baptized. After a while he was still coming to church, passing the Sacrament, and we were still teaching him. I said to my companion one day, "Do you think Benjamin knows he's a mormon?" Later in a lesson he said, "I'm a mormon," so, our worries ceased. With time I got better at Macedonian. All the time the Lord made up the difference and picked up the slack that me or any other missionaries made. To quote President Henry B. Eyring, " do not work alone. The Lord will magnify what you say and what you do in the eyes of the people you serve. He will send the Holy Ghost to manifest to them that what you spoke was true. What you say and do will carry hope and give direction to people far beyond your natural abilities and your own understanding. That miracle has been a mark of the Lord’s Church in every dispensation. It is so much a part of your call that you may begin to take it for granted...When you are released from your calling, you will learn what I learned... God magnifies those He calls, even in what may seem to you a small or inconspicuous service. You will have the gift of seeing your service magnified. Give thanks while that gift is yours. You will appreciate its worth more than you can imagine when it is gone. The Lord will not only magnify the power of your efforts. He will work with you Himself. His voice to four missionaries, called through the Prophet Joseph Smith to a difficult task, gives courage to everyone He calls in His kingdom: 'And I myself will go with them and be in their midst; and I am their advocate with the Father, and nothing shall prevail against them.' Because the Savior is a resurrected and glorified being, He is not physically with every one of His servants at every moment. But He is perfectly aware of them and their circumstance and able to intervene with His power. That is why He can promise you: 'Whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.'...If I only think of my own performance, my sadness deepens. But when I remember that the Lord promised that His power would go with me, I begin to look for evidence of what He has done in the lives of the people I am to serve. I pray to see with spiritual eyes the effects of His power...I know then that I have done enough for the promise made by Joseph Smith to be fulfilled once again: 'Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.' You can have the utmost assurance that your power will be multiplied many times by the Lord. All He asks is that you give your best effort and your whole heart. Do it cheerfully and with the prayer of faith. The Father and His Beloved Son will send the Holy Ghost as your companion to guide you. Your efforts will be magnified in the lives of the people you serve. And when you look back on what may now seem trying times of service and sacrifice, the sacrifice will have become a blessing, and you will know that you have seen the arm of God lifting those you served for Him, and lifting you." End of quote.
As they tell you a thousand times in the MTC, baptism is not the only way to bring others closer to Christ and is not the determinant for success. The successful days I had as a missionary were not only the ones that someone was found who ended up being baptized. Our mission president emphasized to us the importance of bearing testimony while contacting, so multiple times every day when someone stopped to talk we did so. Every lesson we testified more than once. I think it is safe to say that every time the person was either pacified, or felt our sincerity, or the conversation changed, or they were then willing to give their phone number or take our card, in other words, every time it brought the Spirit. I don't know if those people had ever felt the Spirit before. I did not completely realize this from the beginning. One day when a sister from Albania came for exchanges we were contacting in the mall and almost every time once I was done talking to someone she would say, "You could tell that person was feeling something. Because she kept trying to keep the conversation going," or something to that effect. And that sister did not even understand the language. The Spirit speaks all languages and all people everywhere, members or otherwise, can feel the power of the Holy Ghost. I hope I was able to influence some people for good by being a tool in Heavenly Father's hands and sharing the testimony He gave me with others. I know there have been days in my life when one small good thing has happened to make me feel better, for whatever the time frame. Those things have included hearing from a friend, reading an uplifting thought whether on Pinterest or on a billboard or in the scriptures, listening to a good song, finding out that some circumstance of mine had somehow changed, for example. If those insignificant things were enough to help me, how much more could a witness of the Spirit, the temporary (for them) presence of a member of the godhead in their lives? Only those of us who have the gift of the Holy Ghost have the power to do this, and we can do it by simply bearing testimony. As President Faust once said, the testimony that is borne in living good lives can be a very powerful and life-changing one for others. But I think it helps to state our beliefs in spoken testimony as well.
Because I was a set-apart missionary, I had a special ability to help and comfort those that I taught. I remember one time when the sister missionaries were able to help me when I was a teenager. I was at the Salt Lake Visitor's Center and two sisters came over to talk to me and my mom. They asked what we were doing in Utah and I ended up telling one about how I had moved from the east coast about a year prior. The sister listened well and was very sympathetic and asked if it had been a hard move. I unexpectedly got emotional as I told her about it and I never forgot how cared about she made me feel that day. Years later on my mission we were standing in the square one night contacting and a woman walked up to me before I'd even had time to greet her. After a short introduction and small talk I could tell there was something she was wanting to say, so I asked if I could help her with anything. "There is no church I can find rest in," she said, and continued to tell me that she suspected her daughter was headed down a really bad path and she felt powerless to help her. I got my companion and we went to go sit and talk more. We prayed with her and gave her a Book of Mormon. She said that just being around us she felt her burden lifted a little bit, a relief she had been able to find nowhere else. She repeated how good she felt around us and told me that when she had approached me that night she "felt led" to me and that she should tell me about her problem. Unfortunately the woman wasn't interested in meeting again, but I felt good being able to do the same thing for someone that the sister missionaries had done for me long before.
Some words I would use to describe missionary work in Macedonia would be unstructured, erratic, and random. I had service opportunities, like teaching kids English. Sometimes we went to the US Army base in Kosovo and taught the mormon soldiers there. Once in a while I went to Albania or Kosovo for exchanges or just conferences. It was so nice being able to work for or with an organization or just more organized people because it required less planning and improvisation on our part. Trying to explain to people in Macedonia exactly what we did, what we were about, and what we stood for was difficult since missionary work is a spiritual work. They usually ran through the list of all the religions they knew asking me if I was each one--Orthodox, Catholic, Adventist, Jehovah's Witness, Evangelist, Methodist, Baptist, and to each I would respond no. I would tell them the name of the church and they would reply, "Ok but which church?" A lot of times people tried to convince me that I was unneeded there or that what I was doing had no effect.
I remember one night while contacting on an old bridge I talked to a young Muslim man about our two faiths. I invited him to church and he invited me to the mosque. I told him I had already been and declined his invitation and he said, "See? Christians don't want to be Muslim, and Muslims don't want to be Christian." I tried to share a little more of our message to try and make him understand. I asked, "If Jesus were the Son of God, though, wouldn't you want to know?" He said, "No," but before we parted gave me his number and offered to come and beat people up for me if anyone ever gave me any trouble. I remembered at the beginning of my mission being mad at my MTC companion for saying to me, "You're going to plant a lot of seeds in Macedonia." But on that night on the bridge I felt satisfied with just being able to tell the young man about the godhead, and that not all Christians believed that Jesus and God were the same person. We in fact worshipped the same God. Said an Elder from Kosovo, who worked with Muslims more often than I did, "Muslims always ask how God can have a Son, and they want to know whether God has a wife that He could have a Son. Even we ourselves do not understand the logistics of it. But the thing is, Muslims believe in the immaculate conception. They believe in miracles. All we know is that Mary was Jesus' mother and the Father is God. We don't know anything else. So essentially, we believe the same thing about Jesus that Muslims do." I've got one more thing to say about Muslims and finding common ground until I move on, because I could talk about this all day. One of the last days of my mission, I stopped another Muslim man who did not want to accept Jesus as the Son of God. "Nothing and no one can be like God because God is one. There is only one God," and went on to explain that all things were created by Him and if someone was like God they would also be powerful like God, which thing was impossible. "But don't Muslims believe that Jesus wrought miracles?" I asked. "Yes," he told me. "Then how were those miracles done, if not by the power of God?" I asked. He thought and then just repeated that God could not have a Son because the Qur'an said so. "I have not read the Qur'an so maybe it has truth, maybe it is a good book. But it was written by men and so if it says that Jesus was not the Son, those are just a man's words. I know that the Bible is the word of God, that it is holy and contains the truth. In the Bible God Himself says, 'This is my beloved Son' referring to Jesus. If it comes from God's own mouth that Jesus is His Son, it has to be true. And how can you believe that God really said that? Well, do you believe that God answers prayers?" "Of course He does." "Well then you can pray about these things, you can ask God the question, 'Is Jesus the Son of God?' and He will answer you. And I know that He will tell you that Jesus is His Son, because I know that He is and that He is the Savior. If God tells you that, how can you think anything else? What greater witness can you receive than from God?" The man was quiet and thoughtful for a little bit and then just repeated that he was Muslim. My companions then caught up to me and he told them, "This girl is trying to convince me to not be Muslim!" He laughed and walked away.
The most frustrating part of God's plan, at least that I noticed as a missionary, was people's agency. How could they receive a witness and then choose not to accept it? We know that there is a difference between testimony and conversion. A testimony is just receiving a spiritual witness of the truth, while conversion is entirely changing yourself to act in accordance with God's will. It happens over time and with a lot of effort. Those people who made it to be baptized were those who were truly converted. The ones who kept their committments the whole way through and changed. Said Elder Jeffrey R. Holland on this subject, "Anyone who does any kind of missionary work will have occasion to ask, Why is this so hard? Why doesn’t it go better? Why can’t our success be more rapid? Why aren’t there more people joining the Church? It is the truth. We believe in angels. We trust in miracles. Why don’t people just flock to the font? Why isn’t the only risk in missionary work that of pneumonia from being soaking wet all day and all night in the baptismal font? You will have occasion to ask those questions. I have thought about this a great deal. I offer this as my personal feeling. I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him? It seems to me that missionaries and mission leaders have to spend at least a few moments in Gethsemane. Missionaries and mission leaders have to take at least a step or two toward the summit of Calvary. Now, please don’t misunderstand. I’m not talking about anything anywhere near what Christ experienced. That would be presumptuous and sacrilegious. But I believe that missionaries and investigators, to come to the truth, to come to salvation, to know something of this price that has been paid, will have to pay a token of that same price. For that reason I don’t believe missionary work has ever been easy, nor that conversion is, nor that retention is, nor that continued faithfulness is. I believe it is supposed to require some effort, something from the depths of our soul. If He could come forward in the night, kneel down, fall on His face, bleed from every pore, and cry, 'Abba, Father (Papa), if this cup can pass, let it pass,' then little wonder that salvation is not a whimsical or easy thing for us. If you wonder if there isn’t an easier way, you should remember you are not the first one to ask that. Someone a lot greater and a lot grander asked a long time ago if there wasn’t an easier way. The Atonement will carry the missionaries perhaps even more importantly than it will carry the investigators. When you struggle, when you are rejected, when you are spit upon and cast out and made a hiss and a byword, you are standing with the best life this world has ever known, the only pure and perfect life ever lived. You have reason to stand tall and be grateful that the Living Son of the Living God knows all about your sorrows and afflictions. The only way to salvation is through Gethsemane and on to Calvary. The only way to eternity is through Himthe Way, the Truth, and the Life." Close quote. So, as I stated in some way or another many times as a missionary, conversion cannot happen all at once. It will come over time through experience as we strive to understand God's plan, reading the scriptures, praying, and so on. I know that God will help us as we try. He is always there and can help us immeasurably. He aches to reach out to His children. He loves us. But initially we have to choose to act. We do have to do something for God to make up the difference in our lives. He cannot reward us for doing nothing. 2 Nephi 25:23, " is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." The decision has to come from our end, and it must be followed by action. As it says in Mosiah 4:10, "...if you believe all these things see that ye do them." James 2:15-20, "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
At some point in another I learned a very important lesson on my mission. God doesn't expect us to be perfect. Which I've heard a thousand times, but it seems some things can only be learned through experience. All He asks is that we try. That we rely on Him. As missionaries, we would still keep meeting with an investigator and working with them even if they didn't perfectly keep every commandment from the very beginning. As long as they still wanted to follow that commandment, we still wanted to help them. Everyone stumbles. That's why there is repentance. I thought missionaries could kind of be compared to the Spirit. As long as we remain worthy, the Spirit stays with us. As long as our investigator wanted to meet and keep trying, no matter how minimal the effort, we still wanted to meet too. When they lost that, we withdrew. But if an old investigator called and said he wanted to meet and try again, we would come back. I remember telling another missionary that Heavenly Father asks us to serve missions so that we know how He feels. As my patience and empathy for those I worked with grew, so did my patience and ability to forgive myself. I am no longer a perfectionist, like I was before my mission, at all. At some point I just realized how much I really do rely on the Savior, and on His grace to save me from everything. I was trying hard as a missionary, and still made so many mistakes. I feel like the debtor in the parable who loved the creditor more because he was forgiven more. I heard given in some talk in church, that often missionaries go out on their missions wanting to repay God for all He's done for them, only realizing that on their missions they need His help more than ever. Mosiah 2:21, "I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to anotherI say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants."
Which brings me to another point. Many missionaries are converted on their missions. I was. Before I left my two return-missionary roommates told me that I would see so many blessings from serving. I asked what they meant and they told me I would see. While on my mission I started to see so many big, positive changes in myself that I knew were the result of me serving. I heard a lot of other missionaries say that had observed similar things in themselves. It made me wonder what it was, other than the Lord's desire to bless his servants, that made such a big change in a person. I believe it was a combination of two things. The first is a reliance on Heavenly Father. Missionaries are always praying, individually, in their companionships, with members, with investigators, to begin and close each meeting. They study the scriptures for hours every morning and continue to discuss, think about, and apply them throughout the day. Their days are spent in charity. I know from personal experience how much more present Heavenly Father's help is in my life when I am actually accomplishing those spiritual duties. D&C 88:63, "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Communication to God and His communication back increases significantly. The second thing, to quote Elder Bednar, is the load. Serving a mission is hard. I'm sure I don't have to list the reasons why. I think when tough, character-building experiences are combined with a heavy reliance on the Lord, He can work miraculous changes in us. We come closer to Him. We live a large part of God's will for us to come to earth to gain experience and also have faith. To quote Elder Bednar again, "Sometimes we mistakenly may believe that happiness is the absence of a load. But bearing a load is a necessary and essential part of the plan of happiness." One of my companions said to me, "God cares more about us than He does about our happiness." I do know, though, that the hard times end and we can be most happy by living His gospel. The Savior's arm is outstretched to us all the day long. I would encourage anyone thinking of serving a mission to stop thinking about it and just go. The prophet Joseph Smith said, "After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel."

 (Then I bore my testimony in Macedonian)

Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015--Final Letter!!!

Hey Mom,
Wow, my last weekly email home. Don't worry, I have a bunch of inspirational and funny quotes coming your way. But first I just have to tell you about the fountain of Alexander the Great. So since they turned it back on, Center has been so busy. I really thought all of their ploys to use the statue to attract tourists was worthless until I saw the difference between not having and having a fountain. It really does draw people there, which I'm sure is good for all the businesses there. I guess you could use that as a metaphor for my mission. Remember last week when we were playing in the splash pad? Some pictures of Sister Hassell, Sister Barch, and Elder Prince ended up on a couple different Macedonian news websites. The guys in the print shop showed them to us the next time we went. "The mormon missionaries hard at work," they teased us. "This is what you're doing when you're not here?" The other missionaries had pointed out a photographer taking a picture of me sneakily as I squeezed some water out of my pants that day. When I noticed him he just smirked and walked away. That picture didn't end up online, though. Good publicity for the church, I guess. They were wearing their nametags. Our investigator told us at church that he had seen the pictures online too.

Ether 12:4, "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."

"I keep my body like a Canadian marathon runner. Gotta be slim."
-Zoki, showing us his exercise equipment during class

"I can't really pronounce the word, I only have four teeth."

"Discouragement is a tool of the adversary."
-Elder Bednar, visiting us in the MTC

"I can't walk that fast today, Sister Riddle, I'm all filled with milk."
-Sister Hassell

"My beloved brothers and sisters, godly fear dispels mortal fears. It even subdues the haunting concern that we never can be good enough spiritually and never will measure up to the Lord’s requirements and expectations. In truth, we cannot be good enough or measure up relying solely upon our own capacity and performance. Our works and desires alone do not and cannot save us. “After all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23), we are made whole only through the mercy and grace available through the Savior’s infinite and eternal atoning sacrifice (see Alma 34:10, 14). Certainly, “we believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel” (Articles of Faith 1:3)."
-Elder Bednar, Therefore They Hushed Their Fears

"The missionaries are very good at finding nice, crazy people."

"Sister Riddle is so serious."
-Everyone, to my companions

"Stop biting your nails."
-Blagoj, Dejon, Kate, all of the missionaries, and the guy at the print shop

"Realistically, we only really pray when we are going through a hard time. I think that's why God gives us hard times."

Matthew 5:43-47, "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?"

"So, if the Book of Mormon is a testament of Jesus Christ, why didn't Jesus just write the Book of Mormon?"

"You have endured a good mission. I'm going to give you a talk that I found, it's called the Nobility of Failure."
-Elder Prince, to me a few days ago

"Mucho grande добро."
-Elder Nelson, used regularly as an expression

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."
-Mother Teresa, on one of the plaques located around the city

"I smoke. I am a sinner."
-one of our investigators during the Word of Wisdom lesson

"Where did you find this word 'отпадник'? My grandmother used that word once in the 1992."
-Zoki, editing the text for Because of Him

After telling Elder Barber his future wife got fatter every time he dropped his Book of Mormon,
"It doesn't matter, at this point I'm gonna marry a dump truck anyway." He dropped his Book of Mormon a lot.

"It's a banana, Elder Krajnc." -Everyone, all the time
"Stop saying that." -Elder Gierisch

"Why are you here? You don't even have to be here. You're a girl."
-Elder Gierisch, shortly after I arrived in Macedonia

"Are you kitten me right meow?"
-Sister Schofield

"I'm going to push you in front of a bus. It would be the best day of my entire life. No more Riddles."
-Sister Schofield

"Elder Riddle..."
-Elder Rigby

"We come to church not to hide our problems but to heal them."
-President Uchtdorf

"God does not call us to be successful. He calls us to be faithful."
-Mother Teresa

“'Peter, do you love me more than you love these fish in this net here, and these boats, and these oars?'
And Peter said, 'Yes, I do love you, more than these.'
And a second time, Jesus says, 'Peter, do you love me more than you love these fish, and your nets, and your battered old boat?'
And a little distressed at that, Peter said, 'Yes, I do. I said I did. I do.'
And the Savior probably took a deep breath and smiled and looked Peter right in the eye. And though He didn’t verbalize it, apparently He was conveying to Peter, 'May I now say to you for the third time, do you love me?' And Peter is very very sensitive about threes right now.
And Jesus says, really in effect, 'Okay,' for the last time, 'do you love me more than these? Than what you do? And what you’ve just been doing?'
And Peter says, 'I do. I do love you. More than anything.'
And that is the moment that Peter became the great apostle. Forget the denials, whatever they were. Forget the cut off ears. Forget the impetuousness. Forget the confusion. Forget not knowing more than to come back to fish. Right here, face-to-face, again from the honesty of his heart he said, 'I do love you, more than anything.'
And to that, the Savior of the world said, 'Then feed my sheep! I have asked you before to leave your nets. And I’m asking you again, and I don’t want to ask you a third time. When I said, ‘Leave your nets,’ it was forever. When I asked you to follow me, it was forever. When I asked you to be an apostle, it was forever. When I asked you to be a Missionary, it was forever. When I asked you to see this through to the end, it was because it’s not over ’til it’s over. Now forget your nets, and forget the fish, and jettison your boat, and throw those oars away for the second time, and feed my sheep. We’re in this ’til the end.'
And that’s the day Peter strode into eternity, and became the man within hours, within days at the very least. When people plead that they could be taken into the street and left on their cot in hopes the shadow of Peter would pass over them. That’s the Peter that he became with that little confrontation on the shore. And the issue is for all time and eternity, 'Do. You. Love. Me? Do you love me?'
Elders and Sisters in this MTC congregation, do you love Him? You cannot get there from here. You cannot be what you have to be. You cannot say what you have to say. You cannot become the Missionaries, the witnesses, the emissaries, the bastions and sentinels of truth that you’re supposed… You can’t do it, unless you love Him. It is the first and great of all the commandments, the greatest of all commandments, the first commandment.
You need to decide tonight whether you’re on a coarse that’s committed to the idea that you really do love God. You really do love the Savior. And if you do, and I know you do, and I pray you do, and we’ll all do this together, we’ll all march into the future together, but when you do, and when you say that, and when you believe that, then you’re call is to feed His sheep, forever.
Now, can you understand why you must never and may never and can never come back? It will never be the same again. Peter, you can’t go home. You can’t go back to fish. You can’t go back to Galilee. You can’t go back to boats. It’s over. It is a new life, a new day, a new time. This Mission marks that hour in your life. You cannot go back. And if you do, you will break my heart, and you will break the heart of God himself. If you turn your back on the gospel of Jesus Christ, which you have pledged your life, or at least these next two years or eighteen months, to teach. But my point is that it isn’t just eighteen months, and it isn’t just two years. And I stand here at 49 years and counting, and say, I pray that it’s never ever ever over for me. And I pray that it’s never ever over for you.
And if you are ever tempted on your Mission, or after, to leave this faith, or commit a transgression, or to walk away from the covenants you’ve made, and the honesty of your heart – not assuming that you’re going to be perfect, and knowing that we’re all going to have to repent every day of our lives about something – but you’re coarse needs to be true. You need to stay the coarse. You need to see it through. You can’t go back. You’ve left your nets, and you’re going to feed sheep. You’re going to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, for time and eternity.
Boy, that’s weighty to put on the shoulders of a 19 year old sitting in Provo, Utah. Or a 21 year old, or whatever you are. But that’s about what this adds up to be. 'Do you love me? Well then, feed my sheep. And do it forever.'
May you do so, successfully, and with God’s love and mine. And the Holy Spirit to attend you, because you cannot possibly succeed without it. God bless you, on the greatest venture of your life, that should shape and will shape, if you allow it to shape, every great experience you’re ever going to have for the rest of this life, and as much of the next one as I know anything about. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen."
-Jeffrey R. Holland, MTC talk

I'll have more to say at my homecoming talk when I get home, but for now, like I said to Elder Prince, I came here because I thought it was what God wanted me to do. So I did. I came, and I did it, and now I'm leaving.

Sister Riddle

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 15, 2015

Hey Mama,
So little time left. We're teaching this Turkish guy named Emir that is doing really well. He seems like someone who really needed the church. Only his Macedonian isn't that good and Turkish materials are only slightly less limited than Macedonian. 

Today the companions asked what I wanted to do and I said I wouldn't mind going to the castle again. We went with the elders and then to an American-ish bakery here. We saw that the construction going on around the Alexander the Great was done and they had turned the fountain back on! Made my life. I hadn't thought I would see it again before I left. The reason it was under construction was because they were making a splash-pad-type fountain. We saw two of our little Roma kid friends playing in it and went to join them. I think we overstayed our welcome though because then a security guard asked us to leave, ha ha. We're dumb Americans.

I don't really know what else to write about today. Worth a read.

Sister Riddle

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 8, 2015

Hi Mamasita,

We had four investigators in church on Sunday, so that's pretty cool. 

We had a party for the people in the branch who read the Book of Mormon after President Swineford challenged them back in December, I believe. On Sunday the sisters taught the Sunday school lesson on self-reliance, and we're translating the booklet for the course made by the church into Macedonian one chapter at a time. Translating stuff is so painstaking. 

I set up a lesson with the guy from Connecticut, Stuart, but he ended up cancelling. When I first called him I asked if he wanted to meet one day. 
"To hang out or to convert me?" he asked.
"Both?" He laughed and said he always liked a spiritual discussion. Then it ended up not happening though!

I ran into the anti-mormon Romanian guy again and the same thing happened where I went back to the apartment to get the Romanian Book of Mormon and then came back to find him gone. I told my companions I'm just carrying it around with me for the next few weeks until I leave. 

Here's something I read during personal study that I really liked. When President Packer gave his last talk at General Conference I couldn't understand a word so I heard it the first time in printed form. "And if you suppose that the full-blown rapture of young romantic love is the sum total of the possibilities which spring from the fountains of life, you have not yet lived to see the devotion and the comfort of longtime married love. Married couples are tried by temptation, misunderstandings, financial problems, family crises, and illness, and all the while love grows stronger. Mature love has a bliss not even imagined by newlyweds." I guess I just like it because I feel like all I hear as a missionary are people telling me that "life only gets harder" which makes me have quite the grim outlook. Nice to hear that it gets better.

Sister Riddle

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 1, 2015

Hey Mom,
Well, what happened this week? Not much. We always have the most interesting district meetings. I think it was two weeks ago when we were talking about the Because He Lives handouts and we were like, "Do people realize this is a picture of Jesus with the kid?"
"No, they just think it's some guy with a beard wearing a dress."
"Hi, we're mormons and we like holding kids."

Or one day somebody decided to quote, "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
"That makes no sense, " I said, "The moon is closer than any star."
"Well, maybe it should be 'shoot for the moon and you'll land near the sun'."
"The sun is still farther than the moon."
"Ok, well maybe they're gonna overshoot it a little bit and be near the sun."
"So what would the saying be?"
"Well, you could say, shoot for the sun and maybe you'll land among the stars."
"But the sun is a star. So I wouldn't get it. Well, I guess technically anywhere in space you're among the stars."
Then the following district meeting somebody started out with, "Shoot for the sun, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars," and I again started with, "But that doesn't make any sense." Elder Gierisch was like, "Yes Riddle, we've already had this discussion."

Back at Christmas I made the simple suggestion that we should bring chips to family home evening, and then because people thought we couldn't have just chips, a whole conversation about other sides to bring. We had almost decided on a veggie tray until Elder Krajnc was like, "People here don't eat vegetables like that. You cut them up and put them on a tray and they don't know what to do," he said that one time an American missionary in Slovenia had done that and the people all just stared at it because they didn't know what to do. So we get pretty off-topic pretty easily. 

I don't know what else to report on. The work is going well. 

Sister Riddle

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

Hey Mom,
This week we went over to Susana's and helped her pick cherries. It was really fun and she gave us some that we have in our fridge now. 

One day a long time ago when we were in Shootka teaching some old woman, while passing back to head towards the bus, a girl stopped me to talk to me. She was just in her front yard and her family was washing some rugs outside. I finally remembered to call her and then we went and taught her and three of her family members at their home there. They were Muslim but had no problem reading from the Book of Mormon and praying with us. It was cool because they all really listened when I spoke.

It's ice-cream-eating season again. Been having a lot of it. Today it was a scoop of strawberry. 

We ran into the guy from Connecticut again at a crosswalk and gave him an English Book of Mormon.

Yesterday we had to stay inside after church due to protests so I cleaned the house really nice. Today we have to go in after 5. 

Sorry for the short emails lately. Not much is happening. But my flight plans got changed and now I have to fly out of Albania and I have a layover in Rome and Detroit.

Sister Riddle

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015

Hey Mom,
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22. That's what Sister Hassell wrote on our mirror for my birthday on Friday. My companions also made me breakfast and got me some cool presents. The Notebook in Macedonian (the book not the movie) and a t-shirt that says "Ah, frick" on one side (do I say that a lot?) and "Hey look! It's Turkish German!" on the other. (In the videos they use to train missionaries called The District, there's an investigator called German who is really big. One day when we were by Stone Bridge we saw a really big guy and Sister Hassell said, "Let's go talk to him. He reminds me of German." He turned out to be from Turkey. We saw him again a month or so later and I said, "Hey look, it's Turkish German!" thus the reason for the quote on the shirt.) For our lunch hour all the missionaries went to our NEW CHURCH BUILDING and had pizza and a cake that Elder Prince made me. He told me it was a "sexist cake" and that I'd find out why when I ate it. For every slice of cake there was a piece of paper with a sexist joke on it. E.g. "What do you call a woman with an opinion? Wrong." 

I also got presents from the elders :) Elder Prince and Chingas got me a plain blue shirt for the summer, and Elder Gierisch and Rigby got me some chocolate mints and a collar and leash for Sister Hassell. I'm always losing her when we're contacting. The collar has spikes that dig in if she resists. Elder Krajnc got me another book in Macedonian. He is flying out of Tirana tomorrow so yesterday after church and lunch at the Nelsons he left. We (the sisters) all wrote him goodbye notes. The elders' landlord George took us all out to dinner again in Elder Krajnc's honor. Everyone misses him.

On Saturday the sisters, Elder Prince and Elder Krajnc drove to Delcevo, a city near the Bulgarian border, to go to Natasha's house to see her and meet her parents. We talked about the church and overall it was a great meeting. I got to hold one of her puppies. And the city was beautiful.

We went to the army base again, probably my last time, after a zone training in Kosovo. The institute lesson was on sacrifice and afterwards we ate chicken nuggets in the chow hall with the soldiers.

Something cool happened a week or so ago. We had a lesson in this guy named Avdo's house, who is Muslim. He wasn't really interested in the church but at one point he told me, "You have a bit of an accent. You sound like someone from Stumica or somewhere in the east." No idea where I might've picked that up from, if his statement was even accurate, but still cool. 

It's really hard to stay focused nearing the end of my mission. I'll see you soon.
"I do not think it pleases the Lord when we worry because we think we never do enough or that what we do is never good enough." -Boyd K. Packer

Have a great week.

Sister Riddle

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

Hey Mom,
Guess who came to visit Skopje this week? Sister Kokol (she served here for 3 weeks training Sister Schofield, and we did exchanges and stuff with her). She's been home since October but came to Albania and Kosovo again to help do research for BYU. She was able to come to the NEW CHURCH BUILDING on the first Sunday we used it. Afterwards she and Zoki came contacting with us.

Elder Krajnc leaves in a little over a week! I'm going to miss him so much! He got his flight plans and it only takes him an hour to get back to Slovenia, ha ha.  Susana loves him and so we're going to have a lesson with the elders at her house this week.

Sascho got confirmed on Sunday so now we really do have eighteen members.

Well, I can't really think of anything else to tell you about.

Sister Riddle

Sunday, May 3, 2015

April 27, 2015

Hey Mom,

Today for P-day we went and played laser tag again. Guess who got overall 2nd MVP? Yours truly!!! I don't know how that happened because I usually lose every game I play (just games in general). The first round I hid behind a tree and got more points than anyone. By the end of the third round Elder Chingas told me he hated me. High praise. I told him my trigger finger hurt from shooting him so much.  The place where we play laser tag is in city park, about ten minutes walking from the main entrance. There is a big field with boards to hide behind and a two-story shack made of brick and wood. It would be so illegal in America. Making it all the more fun. I was hiding behind a large glass window waiting for a round to begin and realized that the corner I was squatting in had a lot of old cobwebs and rusty nails sticking out. 

Also today I got to hold a little tiny baby puppy. One of the little Roma kids that we talk to a lot was holding one and let me pick him up for a minute.

On Saturday Susana got baptized, along with the elders' investigator, Sascho. We took her and her boyfriend out to lunch afterwards. Susana is so nice; she is the equivalent of my Macedonian grandma. We usually have lessons at her house since she lives right by us and she always feeds us SO MUCH. Yesterday when we went to see her she asked if we'd had lunch already and we told her yes, so then when we were about to leave she said she wanted to give us dinner since we'd already had lunch. And this was after she'd already given us homemade doughnuts and lemonade. On Sunday she was confirmed but Sascho didn't come. So, Macedonia now has seventeen and a half members.

Elder Barber update: apparently he's working at a bakery where he has to get up at like 4am, which is pretty funny because he hated getting up at 6:30 every day as a missionary. It's also ironic that now he spends his days making sandwiches for women. He emailed me today and said he misses Skopje.

Elder Krajnc had been serving in Kosovo for the past few weeks, but he came back on Saturday just in time for the baptism.

Helaman 5:5-8, "For they remembered the words which their father Helaman spake unto them. And these are the words which he spake:
Behold, my sons, I desire that ye should remember to keep the commandments of God; and I would that ye should declare unto the people these words. Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first parents who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were good.
Therefore, my sons, I would that ye should do that which is good, that it may be said of you, and also written, even as it has been said and written of them.
And now my sons, behold I have somewhat more to desire of you, which desire is, that ye may not do these things that ye may boast, but that ye may do these things to lay up for yourselves a treasure in heaven, yea, which is eternal, and which fadeth not away; yea, that ye may have that precious gift of eternal life, which we have reason to suppose hath been given to our fathers."

Sister Riddle

"He was a million miles from a million dollars, but you could never spend his wealth." Preacher, OneRepublic. Did you know they're coming to Skopje on June 1? There have been posters all over town for the past few months. When we got back from Sister's Conference in Tirana the elders had posted one on the outside of our door. I wish I could go ;)

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015

Yello Mama,

So there are some things I forgot to tell you about the last few times. About a week or so ago we showed our dropped investigator Deon (we run into him everywhere) the Because of Him video in Macedonian. He really liked it. A few days later he called and asked where he could find it online because he wanted to post it to his facebook. That is so awesome!!! Now people, IN MACEDONIA, will see the video and the church's name and realize we aren't a bunch of weirdos!!! So awesome. 

One day we were headed to teach the Roma kids at the Red Cross and we ran into a group of American girls. They were from some christian organization and were in Macedonia to look for service opportunities. We were able to help them out finding contacts because we've been here for so long. Then another day we ran into them again along with some christian people from Holland who were raising awareness for something. So it was kind of funny having three different groups of christians all coincidentally in one place at the same time.

A few days before sister's conference in Tirana I decided I needed a haircut and didn't want to spend money or time on a p-day. So I cut my hair myself in the bathroom one night. It looked pretty good. I don't know how that happened.

Susana is getting baptized in about a week. We also started teaching her boyfriend. He's read the entire Book of Mormon already.

I made pumpkin bread for Ana and Gordana and Susana this week. It was fun trying to find the spices by their Macedonian names. Haha. 

Last night while contacting I met a guy from Connecticut. I introduced myself as "a mormon missionary" and he said, "You guys are all over!" and that he'd "never met a woman missionary" before. He was really nice and interested in spiritual things and I talked to him for several hours. I would've been exhausted talking about church in Macedonian for that long. Makes me grateful I didn't serve English-speaking. I think it's harder.  

Hope you had time to watch General Conference.

Sister Riddle

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 13, 2015

Hey Mom,
We drove by the new church building last week on our way home from Kosovo (zone training again). It's pretty much a house/apartment type thing that they've rented out and are turning into a meetinghouse. It's in a beautiful neighborhood, though. Not that far from where our apartment is. I had no idea it was there. And I didn't know Macedonia did cute. 

Macedonian Easter was yesterday so we did some Easter-themed tabling in Center with the elders. Elder Prince dyed some eggs and put them in a basket along with some cards. Elder Rigby set out some pamphlets in a more artistic way that we hadn't done before. I got a couple of phone numbers.

They sell eggs pre-dyed here, but usually when people do them by themselves they mostly dye them red. We went over to Susana's place the other day and she was using beet juice to dye the eggs, and then shining them with vegetable oil. 

This morning I actually did shine my shoes and shop at the store. But I'm supposed to do that on Saturday right?

I saw Nergus again, the Jehovah's Witness lady who works by Bit Pazar. I had stopped by and given her stuff to read about Joseph Smith and she asked me if she could have a copy of the King James Bible in English. (She understands English pretty well.) So the other day we went to her work again and I gave her the Bible. I think that's going to be the end of the road though, because we both just keep trying to convert each other.

President Weidmann came to church on Sunday for announcing the new branch presidency. Elmaz is president, Zoki is first counselor, Negat is second counselor, and Elder Nelson is the clerk. President Weidmann also gave me my travel plans printed off. Skopje, Vienna, Chicago, Salt Lake.

It was nice weather this week and I bought a little Roma boy some ice cream. Some of the fountains have turned back on but the big Alexander the Great one has construction going on around it, so I probably won't see it working again before I leave. 

Sister Hassell likes to blow bubbles during companion study. And weekly planning. And daily planning. I don't know when she got them. 

My apologies for the dry letter.

Sister Riddle


Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6, 2015

Hey Mom,
It's not every day you run into a Spanish-speaking Icelandic man in Macedonia. But that happened this week. We were in Ramstore doing language study and a guy came up to us and said he talks to Mormon missionaries all the time on the bus in Iceland. "You guys are everywhere," he said. I think he said he lives close to a church there. "It's so weird to have some pretty girl come up to you, flip her hair back, and say, 'Do you know Jesus?'"

So this week was pretty good. Yesterday was Fast Sunday AND General Conference AND Easter AND we got to go to the Nelson's to watch conference with the members and investigators. It was really fun. We had one room for watching it in English and upstairs it was streaming in Croatian (the closest thing to Serbian, which is the closest thing to Macedonian). The night before I had been in the Croatian room and one of the interpreter's accent was so bad people were leaning forward trying to understand him. He sounded like some American guy who had just barely gotten off a mission without learning the language too well. The interpreter last night was a lot better. I came to trade places with Sister Hassell halfway through in the Croatian room. Ana, Gordana, and our investigator Susana and her friend Bogdan were sitting in there. At one part during Elder Uchtdorf's talk we heard everyone downstairs laughing. "It must be funnier in English," said Bogdan.
"I think they're ahead," I told him.
"So soon we'll be entertained."
 Turns out it was just that the computer kept freezing during Elder Holland's talk when his face was making interesting expressions. Susana brought some type of burek that I ate and then Ana asked me if I knew what the green stuff was in it. "Spinach?" No, nettles. Which is like poison ivy. I looked it up on her phone and apparently it's ok to eat after it's been blanched. Ironically it works as an anti-inflammatory.

Earlier on Sunday we were waiting outside of Hotel Arka for Kone and some guy walked up to us and started talking to us. He said the elders had given him a card while contacting in Center about two or three months before. His name was Ilitsa and I sat next to him during church. He had a lot of questions and we started talking about grace, so I opened up to 2 Nephi 25:23. "You know the book by memory!" he exclaimed, really impressed. I've always wanted to get to a point where I knew the scriptures well enough that I could have references memorized, like some people do. I guess I'm like them now. Well, kind of. I don't have that many memorized. 

Thanks so much for your Easter package! I put Sister Hassell and Sister Barch's baggies on their beds yesterday when they were studying, not even trying to be cutesy about it, and then later when Sister Hassell went into her room she yelled, "Easter bunny came!" Ha ha.

This week I finally got around to making a poster I have been wanting to make for when we table. It's the same picture on the front of Preach My Gospel, of Christ's baptism, and below it has the baptismal invite in Macedonian. Now I just have to get some sort of stand for it for when we use it. I figure it's pretty to-the-point. It helps people understand a little better what we do without having to come up and talk to us. I'm pretty proud of it.

Have I ever mentioned the anti-Mormon Romanian guy? Well I ran into him again and asked him how long he would be working that day and then ran home to get him a Romanian Book of Mormon. When I came back he was gone. Maybe he was playing the how-to-waste-a-missionary's-time game. A lot of people here love that game. 

We taught this guy named Zlatko in a Best Western cafe and showed him the Because of Him clip in Macedonian. We taught him the Restoration and he asked, "So in between the death of Christ and His apostles and the time of Joseph Smith, none of the churches were true?" 
"Oh, wow," he shook his head. Later he asked him what he thought about all that we had been telling him. "It holds water," he said thoughtfully.

We've been finding a lot of promising people lately, which makes me excited. I'm just not very good at contacting. Still I never know what to say to people. But while outside the post office one day I went up to a girl sitting on a curb and started talking to her. "Do you maybe know English?" she asked. She said she was from Hungary. I'm so used to people here being from all these different places and yet speaking perfect English, so I didn't question her lack of an accent until she asked where I was from. I asked if she knew where Maryland was and she said yes because she was from Pennsylvania. She had a job teaching and living in Hungary. Cool! Probably one of the least awkward conversations I've had as a missionary followed. 

Well, I can't think of what else to tell you.

Sister Riddle

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 30, 2015

Hey Mom,
So I didn't write last week about going to sister's conference in Tirana. We actually found a bus that goes straight from Skopje to Tirana. Usually we have to stay in Prishtina overnight. It was really cool doing exchanges in Albania; I was companions with Sister Braha who is a native Albanian and was serving there for a few more days until she got her visa to England. She's called to Leeds. I actually have a friend from the MTC who'll still be serving there when she gets there. She told us that pretty much every Albanian gets called to England. We asked her why and she said one of her best friends who served there said, "We're like the pioneers of Albania, most of us being converts, so it's easy for us to relate to them and have them be the pioneers in England." On the bus in Tirana, guess what played on the tv? The Because of Him video!!! So cool. With all the words in Albanian of course. Sister Braha told us, "We have this one investigator who found us through the commercial, and she said she got on three different buses waiting for the video to play again so she could copy down the phone number." 

One day this week we got locked inside our apartment. We were all standing by the door with our coats and everything and when we unlocked it the door just wouldn't open. I called the landlord and he said he was on the other side of the city and would be there in half an hour. He came and tried to unlock it from the other side, but it still wouldn't work and he left to go and find a repairman. We hung out and cleaned the apartment. I guess it needed it. It was nice to get a break. By the time we finally got out it was about 4:30pm

Yesterday it was Brother Davis' birthday so I made him pumpkin bread using the canned pumpkin you sent me.

I can't think of what else happened this week. Sorry for the short email again!

John 6
Happy Easter

Sister Riddle

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015

Hey mom,

This week was good. We now have 4 people on baptismal date. And Blagoy was going to be among them for this week but unfortunately his wife moved back in and, again, he can't get baptized.

Sister Hassell pointed out to me, "Everyone we meet, even if we only have a first lesson with them, mentions something about how they've been searching or thinking about God recently. Like Naim who had been going to the mosque for the past five months. Or Halim who said he'd been questioning his beliefs lately. Or Sloboden who said he'd started reading the Bible again about a month ago." She listed more examples and I realized she was right. How great. Heavenly Father is so anxious for His children to learn the truth. 
Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." 
3 Nephi 12:6, "And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."
The girl I met in the MTC from Vanuatu emailed me the other day. This is what she said, 
"I'm glad to serve my Heavenly Father to build his kingdom with my
voice. I know that Heavenly Father loves all of us and he gave us
dalent to build his kingdom in this last dispensation. I know that we
all are preciouse to our Heavenly Father. We must share our dalents
with others to help them know that they have  dalents and they have to
share with everyone. We all have awesome dalent but we must not hide
them or ignore them because is a gift from our Heavenly Father to us.
I know that we can do missionary work by singing too. Me and my
companion when we went to our appointments i sang to all of them and i
see how they touch by the spirit and want to change they're live to
better. I'm glad to have a wonderful voice that my Heavenly Father
bless me with. I don't want to hide my dalent because i love everyone.
I'm glad to learn how to love others and that's a huge thing to me. In
Moroni 7 :45 it talks about charity. Is something that we should have
in our lives. If we don't have that charity we are nothing. We don't
want to have that to us. This is a video that we have in our young
women's conference in Highland area in Utah. I'm glad to be part of it
and to know the importance of why we must share our dalents with
other's. Hope y'all have a great day:)"
That's all I have time for right now. I love you.
Sister Riddle

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015

Hey Mom,
Well, I have a few things to announce. Big news. First of all, we are extremely close to getting a church building. Did you hear me? I said A CHURCH BUILDING!!!!!!!! The property they're looking at is a ways from Center so all of our members and investigators would have to take a bus every Sunday, but still. Anything is better than nothing. This gives us so much more credibility. It may even be open by next month.

Miracle #2. Guess who's on baptismal date? Blagoy. His wife decided to move in with their daughter so that he can get baptized. He's on date for March 28.

Let me clear up something to those of you reading. Sister Hassell told me that back when she was in the MTC and read my blog, she thought our only investigators were the ones I mentioned. No. Yes, we have had our share of dry spells and there have been periods of time where we have had zero investigators. But as a general rule we always have multiple people to teach. Even zero investigators doesn't mean we don't have lessons.

This week I discovered just how great I am at keeping up my companions' morale.
Sister Hassell smiling, "I just went and told that lady her bag was really cute."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. And her English was really good too."
"Oh, you said it in English?"
"Well, I said, 'Твојот really cute.'"
I laughed and said, "Ok."
She responded energetically, "I'm proud of myself though. That was good missionary work!"
"How is that missionary work?" I asked disdainfully.

Or back when she was still in training
"Stop talking to creepy people," I told her while contacting one day.
"We're supposed to talk to everyone!" she said happily.
"No. Don't talk to creepy people."

We had zone training in Kosovo again, then later went to the army base and taught institute again. We talked about brotherly love and read some verses from 1 John. We were also able to make plans with some of the missionaries there to invite Shelton, who we met one night in Skopje, to come to institute. Shelton lives at the base and though we didn't get his number when we met him, he had told us the name of an LDS guy he knew at the base and we contacted him that way. 

We had a lesson this week with this 15-year-old girl named Nora and her friend; we ran into one of "our kids" named Atige on the way and so she came to the lesson as well. I think she knows how to pray now.

On Friday we went to the Swinefords and made cookies for some type of priesthood meeting. 

On Sunday there were a few more Americans at church than usual. The branch president in Kosovo and his family were there visiting, as well as some people with LDS Charities who were there to train doctors in neonatal resuscitation. Two of the four investigators who told us they would come to church came. We had dinner with the Nelsons that night and the LDS Charities people were there. One of them was named Shayne and he said he had served in the Austria Vienna mission, and back then that mission included Albania. One of his friends was called to be the first missionary there. Pretty cool considering during my mission I traveled to Tirana for the creation of the first stake there. Shayne said that he had served in Serbia and Croatia and helped open it up towards the end of his mission. He said he never learned much Serbian and they just found people who spoke English or German to teach. His daughter is putting in her mission papers soon so he took a picture of us "the three sisters of Macedonia" as he called us, to show her.

While walking back from a lesson at Zdravka's, we passed a house that had a labrador retriever and her three little puppies outside. The mom dog was nice and let us pet her and her babies. So cute! We may or may not walk that same way to and from Zdravka's every time we meet with her now, you'll never know.

Sister Riddle

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015

Hey Mom,

So this week two native Albanian returned sister missionaries were passing through Macedonia on their way to the temple in Frankfurt, Germany and we met up with them to do some non-traditional exchanges. It was so much fun and we were able to meet our goal for member-present lessons this week. :)  The two sisters had been friends before their missions and then were both called to serve at  different places in England. So their English was really good. The girl I worked with, Jona, had served in a visitors center. She said that at the beginning when she didn't know English, it was really hard because not even her trainer spoke English well. Maybe our situation in Macedonia is more common than I thought it was. They both also used to be Muslim. Apparently the other sister, Denada, was very beneficial in a lesson Sister Barch and Hassell had with an Albanian Muslim that day. Unfortunately I think I bored Jona to death because our only lesson cancelled and I spent all of our time in the print shop. Whenever we want to give someone a conference talk, we always have to take time out of our day to go to the print shop, find the talk in whatever language, pay for it and then try to keep it safe in our bags for the time until we see said person. I had the idea to just print a bunch so that we didn't have to make a special trip every time we wanted one. Plus sometimes we go there and it's closed. I got a bit carried away and by the time I looked over at the printer to see how much I had printed so far there was a huge stack. One hundred and fifty pages to be exact. Luckily printing is cheap and I carried it home immediately. The next day I got a nice binder and some plastic sheets and things so we could keep them nice and organized at home. A lot of times people in the church complain that when talks are given, they're all about the same things. Talks have only been available in Albanian for the past several years and in Serbian only for the past two or three. For these people, a lot of times it is the first time they're hearing any of it. It makes missionary work so much easier to be able to give it to them stated clearly and plainly in their own language. (Sister Schofield was so happy when the talk Sacrament-A Renewal For The Soul was given last conference because sacrament can be difficult to explain. Plus when it's a different speaker they have their own way of explaining it which may be better for the listener.) We've added to the binder since then and I've been going through conference talks trying to find every one that would be easy for someone with little gospel knowledge to understand. I just wanted to tell you that because it's exciting to have a new project.

Here's a few random stories of Macedonian/Serbian fails:
When me and Sister Schofield went to visit Zdravka in the hospital she didn't have her glasses, so I read aloud a verse from the Serbian Book of Mormon. As soon as I began, Zdravka said to Sister Schofield, "Ooh, she doesn't know how to read." A few weeks prior to that I had also been laughed to scorn by a fifteen-year-old doing the same thing in a lesson. So embarrassing. I also said a very inappropriate word on accident in the lesson with Ismael. I realized what I'd said the second I said it, and we both pretended like it hadn't happened.

While walking one day back when I was companions just with Sister Hassell, there was a cat making some weird noise in the distance. She tried to ask me, "Do you hear the cat?" in Macedonian. "You just asked me if I protect the bear," I told her.

Even more long ago, while doing exchanges with Sister Singer, she kept asking me how to say conversational things so she could help with contacting. She was funny because instead of just making nonsense-Macedonian-garble like most people do when they say words for the first time, she would say actual other words. Instead of saying, "How are you?" she kept saying, "It is cocoa." She told me, "You're nice, you could just be telling me how to say, 'I am stupid' and I would be saying it without even knowing." Then she really did want to know how to say "I am stupid" but then when she repeated it it came out "I am beautiful." That was a fun day. 

On Sunday we met with a Muslim guy who, for the first time in a long time, actually seemed interested in our religion. "I believe in God. You believe in Jesus. I don't know yet whether I do or not," he said openly. We are seeing him again tomorrow. His name was Halim, and he was such a nice guy. It makes me think back to the MTC when they told us all the time, "It's not all about baptisms." Right now there are at least two Muslim men in Macedonia (Halim and Ismael) who are reading the Book of Mormon because we handed them to them. Isn't that helping them come closer to Christ? Isn't that powerful?

Let me tell you about Sister Hassell. Sister Hassell is so great at talking to people. (Sorry this email is all over the place. My trainees/companions have given me the feedback: "You're really good at changing the subject. And interrupting," while not even trying to be sarcastic. It comes from a year dealing with long-winded Macedonians who will talk about their brother-in-law for an hour unless you get them back on track with the gospel.) One night she stopped and talked to the owner of a new Belgian waffle place that was opening up. He ended up giving us all free cookies. The next day we went back and celebrated for her half birthday. Really. She's also told me that her "spirit animal is a river otter" and one time we got into an argument about whether a spirit animal is the same thing as a patronus. She's a character. Also, she has a brother named Forrest who runs cross-country. That needed to be said. Today she told me she found my old blog letters among her things and reread some of them. "Your personality is different when you write than when you speak," she told me, "In your letters you sound about 2% smarter."

We've been teaching the Roma kids English at the Red Cross center again. Our first week back, one of the girls put my hair in a really pretty braid. It's weird seeing them having grown so much in the months since I've seen them. One little boy, Delson, drew me a picture of a flower that is hanging on my fridge now. 

Speaking of the Red Cross, back when Sister Hassell was my only companion we were contacting out on Stone Bridge one night and I had some pamphlets in my hand. I found an old one that I had scribbled a phone number onto long ago. Above the phone number I had written "Negil- red cross guy." Wow. I was referring to Negat, and I had written that the first time we met him. I excitedly showed it to Sister Hassell. She told me I should keep it as a piece of history but I scratched it out and handed the pamphlet to someone else. Let the pamphlet save two people.

On a similar night with Sister Hassell on Stone Bridge, I looked out across the Vardar and was hit with a wave of sadness realizing that these were now the last days of my mission and there would be a day when I wouldn't do this anymore. Missionary work is so fun sometimes. In our mission, and maybe missions worldwide, I don't know, missionaries do a D&C countdown, reading one section each day starting when they only have 138 days left. I realized a while ago that I should've started mine There was a point in my mission where I looked forward to the time that I could start my countdown because it would mean I was close to the end. Now that it's time, I don't think I'm going to actually do it. If I finish reading the Old Testament I will have read all of the standard works and missionary library on my mission. I think that's a more beneficial use of my personal study. 

"For I am thy God and will still give thee aid. I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,..Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand." -How Firm a Foundation, Hymns of the Church.

Sister Riddle

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015

Dear Mom,
This week was so good! Did I mention that our investigator that dropped us, Deon, came to church to hear Sister Schofield's talk last Sunday? We had never been able to get him to come before. The Schofields were supposed to leave the following Friday, but then their flight was cancelled. So the next day me and her went on splits while the other two sisters did their work. We actually ended up having another "lesson" with Deon. "I liked church. There was positive energy there," he told me as we walked to the park to sit down. Once we were there, Sister Schofield asked him to elaborate. "I was surprised. I have been to a lot of other churches, 25 years ago, I was going to a lot of different ones. Baptist, Evangelist, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh-Day Adventist...There was very strong, good energy there on Sunday." We asked him if he would come again and he said not every week but that he would come sometimes. I was so happy. We had him read Helaman 5:12 and he said, "That's true." Deon really is such a sweet, good man. Maybe we just paced him too fast from the beginning. 

Later that day we went to the Asans so that Sister Schofield could say goodbye to them. I gave the lesson, which was about the story of Esther and how she was an example of bravery and relying on the Lord. We shared this scripture, "...Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." 

We also made one last stop at the hospital to visit Zdravka. She had just gotten cataract surgery. We had her say the closing prayer as usual and she said, "I'm grateful for Schofield and Riddle, like my daughters I love them." Maybe Sister Schofield's flight was cancelled because the Lord wanted her to have the chance to say goodbye to absolutely everyone and tie up loose ends.

Meanwhile, Sister Barch and Hassell had an apparently amazing first lesson with a man named Zoran, who also goes by Kone. They also decided to give a man in a wheelchair a chocolate bar. He saw their nametags and excitedly showed them the logo on the back of his wheelchair, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I remember when I first got here hearing some snippet of conversation in which the Andersons talked about finishing up a project where they gave out free wheelchairs. 

To back up a bit. Tuesday during district meeting Elder Barber and Sister Schofield both gave their final testimonies. The first Elder called (for his whole mission, not a transfer) to serve in Macedonia and the first Sister called to Macedonia. "This is my baby, so take care of it," Elder Barber told us. The night before he left I went over to his apartment and gave him a sandwich I made. He always told me "Make me a sandwich," whenever there were lulls in our conversations.

On Thursday the Sister Training Leaders from Gjakova came for exchanges and I got to work with Sister Boettinger again. We had a really good first lesson with an older man named Dragi in a cafe. For the first time I was able to use the part of the First Vision that I had memorized. Throughout the whole thing he kept saying, "Riddle, you surprise me." I don't know if we'll ever see him again, but at least I can say I gave that lesson all I had.

Saturday night we met with the Muslim man I met in Бит Пазар named Ismael. He was really nice and is reading the Book of Mormon, but he's not interested in the church. On Sunday we went and taught the Jehovah's Witness lady who works across from him, Nergus, at her home. She was likewise a really, really good lady. We met her husband and he had a good spirit about him as well. Likewise, though, I don't think we were able to stir up any interest in them. I think I'm good at finding religious people who are already comfortable in what they have, or people who are "searching" but not really looking to commit. 

Never forget that God has never forgotten you.
Sister Riddle

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 16, 2015

Dear Mom,
This week was good. Sister Schofield's parents got here on Saturday night and we got to go pick them up from the airport. I could feel her mom's relief after not seeing her daughter for a year and a half. Sister Schofield is staying with them at the Swinefords for another week showing them the sights in Macedonia. She flies home Friday. On Sunday she gave a talk on sacrifice and our investigator that dropped us came for the first and last time to church. I forgot to tell you a funny conversation I had with him one day. He had told me that there was a demon in his house that tried to possess him every morning at 4am. The next time I saw him, I said, 
"How is the demon?"
"Well, he's good. I'll tell him you said hello."
"How is the problem with the demon?" I clarified.

A few days this week me and Sister Hassell contacted walking around Бит Пазар, which is like a pepped-up flea market. I felt prompted to talk to one woman sitting next to a table of clothes she was selling. She was a Jehovah's Witness and asked me right off the bat if I was a Mormon. It always catches me a bit off-guard when someone here actually knows who we are. She wasn't very open to our message but her dad and another man selling stuff near her were. We had good conversations. While talking to the other man, who turned out to be Muslim, I asked him out of curiosity, "What do Muslims believe that God is? Energy? A spirit?"
"God is One," he responded. I felt so frustrated because that's what they all say and it doesn't answer my question. While walking back towards with Sister Hassell towards Center I remembered a man with a bum leg we had run into earlier in the day. He was just sitting on a bench looking out at the Vardar and we decided to talk to him. He had also been Muslim. "This bench is wood. Nothing else can be like it. What is this? Stone. It cannot ever be anything but stone. This river is a river of water. The river is one, and that is how God is. God is One, and He will always be One. He is without beginning and without end. That is it." I also remembered another Muslim saying to me, "We believe that no one can be similar to God," and the man in the Бит Пазар saying something about how Moses didn't see God and we cannot see God because we don't have the strength. Or maybe it was power. Those are the same words in Macedonian. It clicked and I said this to Sister Hassell, "Ooh. So that finally makes sense. They think that God is something very powerful but they just don't know what that something is because we're unworthy to see him. And they can't describe to me what He is because He cannot be described; He's unknown. He's something unique and individual to Himself. Nothing on this earth can be used to describe Him or compare Him to." We were both like, "Ooooh." We paused near some concrete staircase and she said to me, "Get out your thoughts."
"I'm just trying to remember what their needs were so I can remember them for next time." I pulled out my planner and wrote down Islam: people in the Bible who saw God. "He said Moses didn't see God, but didn't He?" The words came to my mind, The Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto His friend. "Is that in the Bible or the Pearl of Great Price?" (There is no Pearl of Great Price in Macedonian, Serbian, anything. Plus it just makes things simpler if it's in the Bible. Not that I don't have confidence in the Book of Mormon as scripture, I just think it helps to build upon what people already believe.)
"I don't know."
"And that Jehovah's Witness lady, she made it seem like they believe that the Bible is the end. Which is kind of sad."
"Yeah, that is what they believe. There was a guy who realized one day that people were doing things that really went against what was in the Bible, so he went through the whole thing and that's how Jehovah's Witnesses started." She went on to say how she was so thankful for the living prophets and how, when she heard them speak, her testimony was strengthened because she felt that they were really speaking to her and made her feel so good. She had us pray and then we continued contacting. When we got home I pulled out my scriptures. "It's in the Bible! Exodus 33:11, 'And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend...'" So that, and Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." are two evidences in the Bible that God has a body. Which is backed up by modern revelation, stated clear as day, "God is the Father of our spirits. He has a glorified, perfected body of flesh and bone. We lived with Him in heaven before we were born. And when He created us physically, we were created in the image of God, each with a personal body." (Russell M. Nelson) Cool that we can know that. I personally have never pictured God as anything else but my literal Father. Why is it so important to know that we are children of God? Why is this knowledge so precious? What happens if we don't know that?

I finally got a Macedonian Bible from a Baptist church here. It is so cool to me seeing well-known scriptures, like the ones stated above, articulately stated in perfect biblical Macedonian! For language study I have started memorizing scriptures. I already have the First Vision committed to memory. I also finally found a reliable Macedonian-English dictionary. Only ten dollars. Wow. 

Articles of Faith
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.
We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. - Joseph Smith.

I know these things are true. I love this church. I am so glad we have so much more outside of the Bible. More truth. 

President Weidmann called me last night and delivered the shocking news that I will be staying in Skopje and have two trainees, Sister Hassell and Sister Barch. Sounds like a waste of phone credit to me.

I'm trying to think of what else to tell you. We have an investigator Zoran who loves to talk about history and anything in the humanities department, particularly the 5th century. He ALWAYS goes off-topic. I wonder how he'll react when I tell him the Book of Mormon ends in the 5th century. The other day we ran into him on Stone Bridge and he asked me, "Дали си видела Крамер контра Крамер со Дастин Хофман?" (Have you ever seen Kramer v. Kramer with Dustin Hoffman?) I looked Sister Hassell dead in the eye and responded, "Не. Никогаш не чула за тоа." (Nope. Never heard of it.) So glad she is a Jimmy Fallon fan. 

I actually had the idea to share stuff about marriage this week, which is weird because I'm actually not married. I was reading in the Book of Mormon yesterday and saw two verses that I hadn't really noticed before. 1 Nephi 16:7-8, "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, took one of the daughters of Ishmael to wife; and also, my brethren took of the daughters of Ishmael to wife; and also Zoram took the eldest daughter of Ishmael to wife. And thus my father had fulfilled all the commandments of the Lord which had been given unto him. And also, I, Nephi, had been blessed of the Lord exceedingly." Awwww. I think this email is turning out a lot cheesier than I had intended it to be. Anyway, here's this video that will make you cry:

This church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that God loves us.

Sister Riddle